Friday, September 28, 2012

Granola- Recipe

I need to make More granola,  I made it 2 days ago and it is gone
Here is my recipe
Basically I tweaked Alton Brown's recipe

  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup slivered almonds(I toasted them)
  • 3/4 cup shredded sweet coconut
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons honey*
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
* it called for maple syrup, I didn't have any

Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.
In a large bowl, combine the oats, nuts, coconut, and brown sugar.
In a separate bowl, combine honey, oil, and salt. Combine both mixtures and pour onto 2 sheet pans. Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes to achieve an even color.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Well, actually, my son has a free day.  No school today.
We were going to go to the library, but he opted to stay home and have me read Harry Potter to him.
Awesome (Quality time with kid, and no driving = no gas used)

Also we are out of bread, so we made some.
Quality time with kid and able to sneak in math lesson. (Measuring)
Had all the ingredients and didn't drive to get bread.

Snack time...made granola
Quality time with kid, more math and telling time (Had to stir granola every 15 min)

So far, no money spent today.  Woo Hoo
Mixing the granola
Getting ready to bake the granola
Mmmmmm freshly baked bread

Friday, September 21, 2012

Free Haircut

Aidan got a free haircut in Aug at JC Penney
They are doing it again in Nov

<<NEW! Starting Sunday, November 4th, your kids can get a free haircut at JCPenney Salons–and every Sunday thereafter. If this promotion is like the back to school free haircuts in August, then you’ll need to make an appointment first. Also, this is good for kids ages 12 and younger only>>

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Free Food

Just a quick FYI
IKEA has always had lunch/dinner at a reasonable price
But now through Dec 31st, you can get some stuff FREE
I took a picture of a page in the latest IKEA catalog

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To Coupon or not to Coupon

That really is the question.  I can't answer it.  I can give you my experience.
I am not a Coupon Queen, not even a Princess.  I am more like the Court Jester.
I do use coupons.  But I do NOT buy multiple papers, or purchase coupons from a clipping site.  I get one Sunday paper a week and I do print some internet coupons.
The store I frequent limits the amount of items you can get, plus I do not want or need 100 sticks of deodorant.
I plan my meals from the circular, do my best to match a coupon to a sale price and limit the amount of times I go to the store.  I have a baby stockpile that is good for a family of three.

Here are the stats from my latest trip:
277.00 before store card
252.00 after store card
165.00 after coupons(most doubled) and bag refunds (I try to match coupons with rainchecks too)

HOWEVER, no meat was on sale at Shoprite, so I spent 35.00 at another store with a good selection and decent sale prices.  That brings us to 200.00 for a month.  BUT I will have to buy milk once a week for 3 weeks, so add that in.

So, what I can tell you is, use the system that works for you, I use a little bit of different ideas to create my own.  I do some coupons, I travel to go to the store with best prices, I shop once a month, I meal plan from the sales circular, and stock up when on sale.

Here is a picture of my receipt. I love it when it is taller than my fridge

Adding to the pantry/stock pile.

I reviewed my receipt, a few coupons did not double because it would have exceeded the price of the items.  I called the store and I got 4.03 in credit toward my next shopping trip

My Pantry.  Hubby does a great job rotating stock and organizing.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Monthly Grocery Shopping

When I was newly married, I shopped about once a week.  $80.00 for the two of us.
Then I learned to shop every other week.  $100.00 every 2 weeks
Now I shop once a month for 2 adults and one 8 year old.  Approx 200.00 a month
And prices just keep going up. I do have to get milk during that month. 
But for me, this method saves me time and money.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What a Spectacle

I have used this site to buy glasses.
2 pairs for me and 1 for my son.
My glasses are usually ridiculously expensive
I paid about $30.00 for 2 pairs.  They are perfect.
Drawback is, you don't really know what you look like with them on.  I look good in one pair and kind of dorky in the other.  But I don't mind.  I feel I got a good deal. I will use Zenni again