Monday, August 28, 2017

School Supplies 2017

Hardly needed anything
Nothing to really report this year.  
Saved and reused supplies from previous years.
Son just needed one subject notebooks, real cheap at Staples.  .25 cents each.
He needed a new binder, with strap and zipper.  Those are pricey.
Had 10 off coupon 20.00 or more
It was 20 dollars.  So 10 dollars.
1 binder + 4 notebooks = 11.00

Monday, August 14, 2017


I have an older Basil plant.  Looking like it was winding down.
So I took clippings from it.
Propagated them in water.
Now I have 5 new Basil plants and still have the Mother plant.
Free Basil Plants!

 Roots forming in the 2 clear glasses with water.
White planter in foreground has three new plants, and old Mother plant in the yellow pot

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hardest Frugal thing for me to do

I enjoy clipping coupons, researching sales, making things at home, DIY...
Sales have been great lately.
So, the hardest frugal thing for me to do was...NOTHING.
I did not shop.
I generally say, I buy when on sale so I don't have to pay full price.
But, I took inventory recently and discovered, I do not need to buy this sale, I have enough to last till the next sale cycle, several weeks or even months.
So, I didn't buy the shampoo for a dollar or meats or frozen veggies.
It was really hard for me.  I felt like I was missing out. 
But all I have to do is look at my newly reorganize pantry and know that we are fine.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wedding Season

I haven't been to a wedding in a few years, so...I didn't have anything to wear.
Found a formal dress on the clearance rack at Kohl's.  No tag on it
I offered to pay 10.00 and they accepted.
It was too long for me
After scooping the front, hemming the back and adjusting the straps, I had a nice formal gown for 10.00 dollars and some sweat equity.
Went to 2 wedding this summer.
So $5.00 per wedding.  Not bad.