Friday, May 29, 2015


a good wine Francis Ford Coppola
Normally between 15.99-19.99
On sale 9.99
2.00 off coupon
7.99 for a good bottle
And the cashier gave the coupon back!  Yep I can and will use it again!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Free apples

After a wonderful weekend away with my Colorguard
There was extra food, so apples went home with me.
Free apple = frugal dessert
Apple crisp
I had all other ingredients in my house, brown sugar, flour cinnamon, butter, even the Cool Whip (on sale for .99 cents, I had .50 coupon, doubled, made it free and I froze it until I needed it)

Ready to bake


Apple crisp.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I went to Paris.  Not the most frugal thing to do, but time with family is priceless.
Here is how I saved money.
I used a travel agent, yep, didn't cost me a dime to do that.  She had access to deals I may not have been able to find on my own.
Flew XL France, which is like SouthWest for France.  It was just fine, not fancy.  About $400.00 round trip.
Stayed in a mostly residential area for Paris, but still a nice smaller hotel, had view of Eiffel tower.
I bought the Paris Pass, used metro to get around Paris and fast passed us into some attractions.  Metro the way to go.  I actually got a better deal on the Paris Pass than my agent.  It is worth it to do your own research as well.
I did not go crazy with souvenirs, my pictures are perfect for me, and a t-shirt.
Bought some groceries for our kitchenette, so we didn't have to eat out all the time.
Well, that is basically it.  I loved Paris.  Experience of a lifetime with my Mom, sister and Aunt.

Day in the life of.....

Yep, you have seen all these tips before.  But a quick note to let you all know, I really do live this life.  Something frugal every day.  This is all today Wed. May 20 2015.
Coupons for next monthly grocery shopping.  Approx 75.00 dollars off
My basket of towels, no paper towels for almost 3 years now.  And we use cloth napkins.
My breadmaker. Bought used for 10.00 I think.
Frugal treat for breakfast, Cinnamon roll .26 per serving.
My poor laptop, with a missing S key and a string to hold the plug in.
An extra curtain rod above my shower used to dry clothes.
My detergent stockpile, all purchased on sale with coupons, nothing over a dollar, probably less than that.  Also another drying line.