Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just some thoughts

My frugal-ness the past few days
Baking soda
I love it
I used it to scrub my kitchen sink
freshen my drains
unclog and very clogged toilet

Made dishwasher detergent
borax, washing soda and citric acid with vinegar in the Jetdry area.

And hung one load of laundry to dry instead of using the dryer.
Still don't know how much I am saving doing it, but will continue to try to figure it out

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Research and a smile

And donuts
As I mentioned before, my car needed 3 things
oil change.........24.00 (Orig quote , got them to 19.00)
new battery.......120.00
Total original quote..190-194 ish

Hubby did the headlight himself...saved 40.00 dollars
I shopped around for oil changes and batteries.
Oil changes were in a range if prices, batteries were in 10-20 dollars of each other
So I called the place I like to go, and usually go and explained my situation.
They matched the lowest oil change prices, and I felt the battery price was fair and I knew I was getting great service and the exact product I wanted.

Dave was really nice on the phone and I speak with him each time I call.
So I brought a dozen donuts for the staff
Donuts 8.00
Discounts received at this visit 30.00 and more
I was not charged for oil change and got another 10.00 off the battery
And the battery was lower than expected
Plus they checked my tires and inflated them properly.
And I was loyal to a company and the people I trust the most with my car.
Win Win

 headlight         11.00
Oil change         0.00
Battery             112.00

Total paid        123.00

So I made some calls, brought in competitors prices, was nice and was able to stay all adds up

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Frugal so far

I have switched my coffee maker to a tea maker
So far so good
Also my cousin has tea she is not using and offered it to me

Frugal Hubby get bonus points this week.
My car needs 3 things done
Headlight replaced
Oil change
and a new battery

Hubby changed the headlight himself.  Bought the bulb for 10 dollars
All other places I checked were charging 50 to replace it
So we saved 40 dollars this week

Still researching best place to get a new battery

Friday, January 11, 2013

Frugal New Year Resolutions

Lots of people money
Sure, but how
Here is what I hope to do and will work on them and keep you posted

1) Streamline my grocery shopping list
Items to go, coffee and creamer.  Possible savings $5-10 a month (I have tea, I will drink that)
No more cleaners, just vinegar and baking soda (I will use up what I have and not buy any more, even if it is a dollar)

2) Don't overbuy for occasions
So easy to go overboard for my son's birthday
He will only get a couple gifts and a experience type party, that is all.
During Christmas I hit a real good Bath and Bodyworks sale, picked up full sized products for 2 dollars each.  Saving them for gifts throughout the year.
Not sure what to do for hubby's Feb birthday yet, will keep you posted.
Also looking for good sales or ideas for birthday parties my son will go to this year.

3) Put the credit card away
Last year I switched cards to one that gives cash back.  That was a nice start.  Same spending as before, but I got money back
This year, I REALLY REALLY have to think about, do I need it?  Or just want it?  Do I have something already that can do this job?  Can I barter, borrow or buy it used?

So those are the top three for now....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What have you done lately?

Of course the washing and reusing of plastic sandwich bags.

But my new one, is hanging up an entire load of wash to dry.  No dryer.
I think I read somewhere if you hang just 1 load per week you will save x amount of dollars.
Now... to figure out what X is....

Also, it is almost time for my monthly grocery shopping.  I am getting more oats and flour.
I will be making oatmeal bars for my son's snacks, and making the granola he loves.

Checking in with my local libraries to see if they have any free programs/events/classesMy son really liked the Lego club.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Over the Holidays I made marshmallows.
The Quick and Dirty on them...
Is it frugal to make them?  Probably not.  Especially when you can buy a bag for .99 cents

The homemade taste is fresher and you can flavor them.

Is it frugal...well yes, if you want to give them as a gift.
(With some homemade hot chocolate mix of course)

Cutting the marshmallows