Friday, July 24, 2020

Foodsaver uses

PLEASE note, this may be controversial,
And if stopped by police you may get into trouble with medication not in it's original container.  

With that said
I used my Foodsaver to make pill packs for my first aid kits.
I used pain relief tablets, allergy and stomach relief products.
Way cheaper than buying individual pre-made packets.

Friday, July 17, 2020


Went to the store for milk
But I always scan the meat dept and the clearance area
Ground Beef 1.85 lb
I also found Progresso soups for .64 a can...label change.
Cooked about 2 lbs and had that in tacos for dinner, with plenty of leftovers.  And Foodsaver for the rest.  
Sell by is the 17th, I got it the 16th

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Dollar store First Aid Prep

Every once in a while I check and restock our first aid kits.
I was able to get brand named supplies at the dollar store this year.
One in each car and in each bathroom. (One kit not shown)
Being prepared saves time and money.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I have had 2 major crafty hobbies  in my far
Beading (Before it was cool)
And knitting/crocheting
I enjoy my hobbies, they bring me peace.
Also, I can sell what I make and have done so.
And I can usually get my supplies on sale, with a coupon or online market places for pretty cheap
Eg: I recently received a bunch of yarn for .33 cents a skein. 
Here are some dishcloths I have made since Quarantine