Friday, April 19, 2013

ICK - what I found in the dishwasher

My washer isn't broken, but I did have rust on the tines of the bottom rack.
I used a product called ReRack to touched up the spots.
Second time I have done this in  2 years.
ReRack cost me maybe 6-7 dollars
A new rack is hundreds.
Touching up tines on dishwasher rack

BUT, while the rack was drying I decided to clean the filter.
I had never done it before so I was sure it needed it.
Took about 10-15 min online to research.
Then about 20 minutes to clean and put back together.
Umm, ICK
I found a candy wrapper and lots of stuff I couldn't identify.
But I now have a clean filter and hope it will extend the life of my dishwaher.
Removed sprayer arm to reach filter
ICK, stuff I found in the filter

The door had a filter too, more ICK found

Savings:  ReRack vs new rack = 100 to 200 dollars
Clean filter myself vs whirlpool tech 75.00 to 100.00 an hour

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Free Massage

Guess what I am going to do the week of April 15th? 
I am going to get a free Hydromassage.
My local Planet Fitness has one of those massage beds there.
Here is the link for the coupon.
Please call to make an appt.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In general a frugal person has a plan, a budget, a list and sticks to it.
HOWEVER, a frugal person also has to be open to deals and bargains.
I was in a store getting things on my list
Clearance is my favorite brand name.
I got a new winter hat with gloves, in my son's favorite color (Camo) for a dollar
And gloves for myself .25cents
Life is good

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The fish and the loaves...aka chicken for dinner

We have heard that story about the fish and the loaves....insert story, the ending is that there was more than enough for all with leftovers...

Well you can do that with chicken.

I thawed 2 boneless chicken breasts for dinner.  Just 2.
There are three of us.
I could have seasoned and baked them for dinner, but I wanted more from them...
I wanted leftovers
I sliced the chicken into "Chicken fingers" breaded and baked them.
We all had plenty.   Several pieces each.  (Plus a veggie for dinner)

The next day, I made 2 wraps for my son's lunch with the chicken.  He claims it was the best lunch has ever had at school.

Then for dinner we had a big salad with chicken.

So three meals from 2 breasts of chicken.  Not bad