Thursday, December 15, 2016

Still doing same ol frugal things

Another rerun
Pre-made breakfasts
English muffins, eggs, sausage, cheese
and Egg cup with cheese and sausage
Just heat in microwave and go.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Advent Calendar Again

A couple of years ago I posted about me making an Advent Calendar out of toilet paper rolls.
Well, it is still going strong.
I just fill again and add tissue paper to the front.
Son punches out a spot every day.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Cut myself at home and Dyed

I cut my son' hair and recently started cutting the husband's hair as well.
Hubby's cut was 15- 20 dollar every 6-8 weeks.
So after much online research I did my own.
Many inches off, and a top brand name dye for 3.00.
In short, I cut the bulk of the length off and made layers
Took a bit more off, shaped it up then dyed it

Dye job and AFTER

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Giant sale

Went to my closest grocery store just to get a couple oranges.
10 for 10
Well, there is a clearance section for produce now.
And as long as I am going to use it ASAP, then sure.
3 oranges for .44 cents 
I also got 2 packages sausage, Nature's Promise ground chicken, steak, over a pound of lemons for .93 and cereal.
A sugary cereal, but 1.59 with a .50 coupon that doubled.  Cereal for .59

Monday, November 14, 2016


I have blogged before about darning socks.  Using my grandma's old wooden darning tool.
My son's socks...sheesh.  I am not looking for perfection when I darn these, he will soon grow out of them.  Just need to get the job done quickly.
Instead of by hand, I used the zig zag stick on my machine and sewed a whole pile in a few minutes.
Pile of socks

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Simple Phone Call

I called the Philly Inquirer this morning with the intention to cancel
I love my Sunday Paper
The Coupons, Articles, Sections (Realestate..)
But it went up to over 3.00 a paper
If I really want one, I can buy it cheaper at the grocery store or even the dollar store.
I can print the coupons.
Well, one call and I saved money.
It went from 85.80 for 26 weeks to 39.00
So I took the deal.
Keep your eye on your bill, and make a call to discsus the price.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cheap Eats

Gift Card + Coupon = Cheap Eats
I had a 25.00 gift card, anniversary gift from my Mom
Plus a 4.00 off coupon
29.00 dollars off
Don't forget to tip on the full amount
Plus, No cocktail orderd
Water and lots of lemon FREE
Discount Date Night

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ground Beef .82 a lb.

From 3.29 lb  (20.76)
to 2.99 lb (18.87)
To .82 cent a pound (5.19 for over 6 lbs)
The meat was not old, my picture and post is.
At Giant, I know when they mark down meat.
I found this ground beef that wasn't marked down, and expired on the day I found it.  
I know the butcher, so he did me a favor.
I have blogged before about getting to know your grocery store's butcher.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Another Cereal Killing

Not the first time I have done this.
And won't be the last...
Acme had a sale, I had coupons
12 boxes of General Mill Cereal for about a buck a box

Monday, October 10, 2016

Spend to save???

Have you every said" Look how much I saved?" after going shopping?  Well, you would save more if you hadn't shopped.  Normally I would agree..
But if you have to shop, use discounts and coupons.
I buy the Entertainment book for myself.
I get grocery store coupons in it.  That alone pays for the book in 2 grocery trips.
Plus I used a promo code and received 30% off the book.
But it also has deals for travel and magazines.  Think gifts for Christmas.
One year I was able to buy 25.00 gift certificates to local eateries for $2.00 ea.

Discovered a new Store

It is a thrift store.
Plus today they had 50% clothing.
Got my son 2 pair of pants, Eddie Bauer fleece, 2 jackets with hoods,
Socks, and long sleeve shirts, Gap and more.
Bought 13 items, paid 15.83
One Gap shirt or Eddie Bauer would cost that or more.