Monday, July 17, 2017

2 at a time

With the meat I bought on sale
I made 2 dinners at the same time.
Meatloaf and meatballs
Cooked at the same time.  Froze the meatballs for a quick meal some other day.

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Found an item being phased out, either because of old packaging or discontinued.
This item was on my list.
But if only it was my buy price of .99 cents.
It was .64 cents, so I bought 6.
No I didn't clear the shelves.  I got enough to last me many, many months, perhaps a year.
I can make brownies at home for cheap.  But at this price, making them from a box is cheaper.
Great item to have a around for quickie treat or dessert.  Easy to make, 30 minutes to bake.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dinner and Dessert

As I have mentioned before, when you are going to the grocery store...sticking to the list helps you stay on budget.
With that being is also a good idea to keep your eyes peeled for deals.
I found meat for 1.12 a pound.  So I bought 4 packages.
Great for meatloaf and meatballs .
Each container is over a pound. Freezes well.
Each serving will be about 34 cents. (Perhaps a couple cents more once I add spices.) For family of 4.  I have three, so I have leftovers.

If I had stuck to my list, I'd stayed on budget.  True.  However, I will rarely find meat this cheap, even on sale.  So I bought plenty, so when I need it, I wont have to pay full price.  I like to stock up when on sale.  Also, a couple of the items I was getting had Peelies on them.  Surprise coupons, so I didn't got too much over budget. Just about 3.00.


Monday, July 10, 2017