Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I suppose I would do just about anything frugal if I HAD to, but I am lucky I don't.
I won't dumpster dive for food, although I have been impressed with some things people find.
There are a lot of "I won'ts" that I see on that show Extreme Cheapskate.  Extreme is in the title.
I won't just take packets of sugar, salt, ketchup, etc from a restaurant.
What won't you do?

Friday, April 17, 2015

Meet Meat

I can not imagine ever paying full price meat again.
My items were already marked down a dollar or so, but I asked the Butcher if there were any further marks down...Yep!
Skinless chicken breast and Pork  .84 to.91 cents a pound.  Yes please. And I will take those Italian sausages for 1.75 (I bought three packages of them)
Used or frozen right away of course.
Nature's Promise chicken cutlets, 1.21 lb

 LOOK at all this meat.  I can get 10+ meals with left overs for less then 13 dollars.
(Please note, I do not always post the day I buy.  I have not purchased or served expired meat.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sixth Sense

OK, I don't have a 6th sense in saving money.  I work at it and research.
Here is my latest purchase, I paid 6 cents.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Grocery Outlet

I have briefly touched on these places before.
Today I shopped at Swans Pantry grocery outlet in Exton, PA.
I can do well there but you have to read the labels, some stuff may be expired.
Here is what I got today
15 dollars for 15 items.
Fresh Thyme, Basil and Lavender plants, brand name everything, Cheerios, Nature Valley nut bars, Wonder bread, Ocean Spray 100% juice, Annie's....

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What is that?

It is window cleaner.
No really.
More like a window polish actually
Rubbing alcohol, water, vinegar and cornstarch, yep cornstarch.
Really cleans and polishes windows to a sparkle.
Needs more elbow grease, but worth it.