Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Giant sale

Went to my closest grocery store just to get a couple oranges.
10 for 10
Well, there is a clearance section for produce now.
And as long as I am going to use it ASAP, then sure.
3 oranges for .44 cents 
I also got 2 packages sausage, Nature's Promise ground chicken, steak, over a pound of lemons for .93 and cereal.
A sugary cereal, but 1.59 with a .50 coupon that doubled.  Cereal for .59

Monday, November 14, 2016


I have blogged before about darning socks.  Using my grandma's old wooden darning tool.
My son's socks...sheesh.  I am not looking for perfection when I darn these, he will soon grow out of them.  Just need to get the job done quickly.
Instead of by hand, I used the zig zag stick on my machine and sewed a whole pile in a few minutes.
Pile of socks

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Simple Phone Call

I called the Philly Inquirer this morning with the intention to cancel
I love my Sunday Paper
The Coupons, Articles, Sections (Realestate..)
But it went up to over 3.00 a paper
If I really want one, I can buy it cheaper at the grocery store or even the dollar store.
I can print the coupons.
Well, one call and I saved money.
It went from 85.80 for 26 weeks to 39.00
So I took the deal.
Keep your eye on your bill, and make a call to discsus the price.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cheap Eats

Gift Card + Coupon = Cheap Eats
I had a 25.00 gift card, anniversary gift from my Mom
Plus a 4.00 off coupon
29.00 dollars off
Don't forget to tip on the full amount
Plus, No cocktail orderd
Water and lots of lemon FREE
Discount Date Night