Friday, March 29, 2013

Back of the store Part 3

I have to admit, out of all the dishwashing detergents I have tried, Cascade works the best.
But also the most expensive.
So I am not brand loyal, I buy on sale and match a coupon to it.

Cascade powder and gel packs on the clearance rack because this type is discontinued.
It was many dollars cheaper than even a sale price.  But I didn't have a coupon.
Clearance price works out to .13 a load.(normally .30 -.60 cent per load)  I have done sooo much better.
When I make my own, it works out to pennies .02-.04 per load, but the hubby doesn't like it (I have fixed the recipe and we don't have any more spots or haze)

Did I buy it...Yes I did.
Because I love it, it works the best and sometimes you need to pay a bit more to get the best quality.
And even if it was on sale and I had a coupon, I couldn't get it this cheap.  So I bought the 4 remaining packs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Back of the store part 2

Instant Milk
Ewww you may say
But I use it a lot.

It was on the clearance rack, it is not expired, they changed the packaging.
It was cheap I scooped it up.

I make large batches of hot chocolate mix.  Use some, give some as gifts.
When I don't want to use a large portion of my milk for baking or cooking, I make a batch with the powdered milk.  It is cheaper than regular milk even when not on sale.

And if  you are running low on your milk, you can make a batch of powdered and mix it in with the regular milk,  Super cold is the way to serve it.

A gallon of Fat Free milk is 3.51
A gallon of the milk made from powder is 1.48  over 50% savings

Friday, March 15, 2013


I made a Death Star pinata
The boys loved it.

Here is how I did it.
I bought a bag of balloons for .99
Used one for the pinata, the rest for the party.
I cut up the newspaper in strips.
Made a paste from flour and water
Set the balloon on a cup to hold it.
Covered it twice with the paper mache (Didn't want it too thick)
Dry, pop balloon, paint, done

Cut paper into strip
Flour and water heated to a boil.  Paste
Too much paper for my project

Painted, top opened to add the candy

Added a hanger in the top to hang it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Back of the Store Part 1

As you know, I shop once a month.
I do need to get milk and eggs during that time and I budget for that.
My local grocery store is fine for those items.
What I like about this store (Giant) is that it has a clearance shelf in the back.
Sometime I can get bread for 75 cents and freeze it.
Today was hair dye and lots of it.  Clearance 2.99 to 3.99.  Of course I chose the 2.99.
Had a coupon for 1.00 off.  1.99 for hair dye.  I have gotten it cheaper, but still, I feel that is a good price for a brand name product.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Frugal Birthday Party

Well, it happened
And it was a success
The kids had a great time.

The whole party cost less than 50.00 dollars

They created their own "Goody" bags (Technically I didn't give out goody bags but you will see)
Then the boys built spaceships out of Legos and we took pictures.
Next was free time for them to all play in the basement.  (They got to stomp on balloons)
Next up was target shooting.  I drew Yoda on a large piece of cardboard, randomly picked names and then the child picked a body part (eg: Left ear) to shoot and they each got three tries.  We use Nerf guns.
Onto the highlight of the party.  The DeathStar pinata.  Whew, it lasted until the very last child.  It broke open and the kids went crazy. (The candy went into the goody bags)
The party was brought to a close with cake and ice cream.

2 1/2 hrs.  50 bucks.  Yea!

Here is the breakdown:

R2D2 cake and icing 5.00 for ingredients.
I made and decorated the cake

Pinata.  5.00 for the candy
I used a balloon.  Newspaper, and flour and water for the paste

Pretzel light sabres 4.00
Pretzel rods 1.00 , melting colored chocolate (Used coupon) 3.00

other snacks 10.00
tortilla chips, clementines, pineapple, chocolate and vanilla ice cream

Decorations 1.00
I was given 2 Star War plastic tables cloths (freecycle)
One was use as table cloth, the other was cut to make Star Wars banners
Balloons 1.00

Evites  free

Plates cups forks, napkins   Free

Yoda soda 9.00
Ginger ale, limeade, frozen OJ, 2 kinds of sherbet
I bought enough to make 2 batches, we only made one

That comes to 34.00
I bought bottles of wine for any grown ups who wanted to stay
but none of it was used.