Monday, February 24, 2020

Good to the last drop

You know you are frugal when you cut open your handcream...
Not once, but twice to get every bit.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day

Oh the insanity of it all.  So expensive.
I have always told my husband not to buy me flowers on V Day.

I'd rather spend the money on good quality ingredients and make a nice meal at home.
Tonight's menu
-Homemade mashed potatoes (made with cream cheese and butter)
-Steamed green beans
-Dessert: Chocolate covered Strawberries
Total Cost for 3 people  63.37
This includes, butter and seasonings
Biggest expense, the steaks. I had a butcher cut what I wanted.  
You get what you pay for.
So $21.12 per person.  A bit pricey yes, but way better than going out to eat.  Plus less hassle.
I saw a dozen red roses for 35.00
And Chocolate cover strawberries for 30.00...yes 30.00
My strawberries, many more berries than the store bought and cost $3.28

Over a $26.00 saving and twice as many Strawberries

My ribeye 18.80 for .99 lb (a scant under a pound)
Mid range steak place  20.99 for 10 oz  Approx 33.45 a lb
Savings = 15.46 a pound
My Frugal advise, stay away from things like this 
And This

Stay home and make it something specialđź’—


Monday, February 10, 2020

Foodsaver frugal

You get a new gadget and use it a few times... could be the Instapot, Rice maker, bread machine...
Foodsaver, I love it, I use it.
However, it can seem pricey when you have to buy the bags.
I check Craigslist and Facebook.  I can get the supplies much cheaper and it still make the products I buy on sale frugal.
Great for freezing meats.  I also use it for...
Pre made breakfast sandwiches
my homemade mac and cheese
to freeze and marinate meats
so much more
And you can boil in these bags

Freezing chicken

Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese ready to freeze

Monday, February 3, 2020

Beware of 10 for 10

Grocery stores seem to love this tactic.
10/10 Pasta or canned tuna
However, when pasta goes on sale it is .59 a box
Tuna .88 a can
So 10 for 10 is not a bargain. (or 5 for 5)